Abuse Relationship Support

Joy Bringer Blog is to offer support and information to those who find themselves in an abusive realtionship.

Monday, June 26, 2006

With Tender Hand

These words from a song always make me pray for you who are in abusive relationships and still hurting:

"I heard that you were hurting, that you were suffering pain But I didn't dare just turn my head and look the other way For when your heart is aching, my heart is aching too Let me help you bear you burden, that's the least that I can do"

These lines from the song "Standing In The Gap" truly express my heart and thoughts as I think of each of you. Your emails touch my heart and I continually lift you and your situation up in my prayers. I know that Jesus loves you and cares about your pain.
I want you to realize this week that in order for your situation to change, you need to start loving yourself in a healthy manner. Jesus said that we were to "love our neighbor as we love ourselves" You cannot love your neighbor or anyone else the way you should or could unless you are loving yourself in a healthy manner. I encourage you to take some time today to think about how you can do this a little better. What really is sheer enjoyment to you? It may be something very simple, but you need to allow yourself (that walk in the park, that bubble bath, time by yourself, or whatever it is). When you start to love yourself and treat yourself with respect, those around you will start to treat you differently also.


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