With Tender Hand
The words “With Tender Hand” come from an old hymn written by Charles H. Gabriel
“From sinking sand He lifted me,
With tender hand He lifted me,
From shades of night to planes of light,
O praise His name He lifted me!”
I am thankful that it is “with tender hand” that He lifts us. He does not “yank” us into line or “yank” us out of our situation but “with His tender hand” outstretched to us He gently lifts us out of abusive situations, as we are able to grasp that outstretched hand. Jesus also heals our hurting, broken hearts over time. I know He can and will do this for you if you will allow Him to.
Whatever situation this finds you in today, remember we are praying for you. Know that you are loved by your Father in Heaven and are precious in His sight! No one deserves to be abused!
"Jesus said, "Woman, thou art loosed." He did not call her by name. He
wasn't speaking to her just as a person. He spoke to her femininity. He
spoke to the song in her. He spoke to the lace in her. Like a crumbling
rose, Jesus spoke to what she could, and would, have been. I believe
the Lord spoke to the twinkle that existed in her eye when she was a
child; to the girlish glow that makeup can never seem to recapture. He
spoke to her God-given uniqueness. He spoke to her gender." T.D. Jakes
I pray that as you read these words and think of the story of the Infirmed Woman
of Luke 13 you also will hear Jesus speak to your heart saying, "Woman Thou Art
Remember, abuse is not LOVE and LOVE is not abuse!
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