Abuse Information Quiz

What are the signs of an abusive relationship? How can you tell if you are being abused?Here are some questions to ask yourself.
Does your spouse:
Verbal Abuse
* criticize you?
* call you names?
Spousal Abuse
* get jealous easily?
* disregard your thoughts and feelings?
* prevent you from going to work or school?
* control your finances?
Emotional abuse
* prevent you from seeing your family and friends?
* pressure you for sex?
Physical Abuse
* hit, kick, push or choke you?
* threaten to hurt or kill you or your loved ones?
* scare you in any way?
More FAQ click here
If you or your children are in immediate danger, please call your local authorities.
National hotline # 1-800-799-7233
Interesting. I am looking into my own relationship. At times, I don't even know who I am. At times I blame myself. Thanks,
Praying for you! ♥
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