Abuse Relationship Support

Joy Bringer Blog is to offer support and information to those who find themselves in an abusive realtionship.

Friday, April 28, 2006

With Tender Hand

Another verse of the hymn, "He Lifted Me"

“In loving-kindness Jesus came,
My soul in mercy to reclaim,
And from the depths of sin and shame
Thro’ grace He lifted me.”

I know we often think of salvation in regards to those words but for me it was from the depths of the sin and shame of an abusive relationship. I felt enclosed in darkness, until “with tender hand” HE lifted me! I want to remind you once again that you do NOT deserve to be abused! You are precious to the Lord. Please do not believe that you are “stuck” – there are many steps you can take to move yourself forward. Most importantly if you or your children are in physical danger, please remove yourself immediately from your surroundings!

The national hotline # is 1-800-799-7233


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